Who Will Provide Pet Care?
Pet care is my happiness. I’m a passionate pet person. Taking care of my pets is never a chore. I love my dog and cat as if they are my children. If they were my two-legged children, I would prepare a Will. It would have directions on who should care for my children if something happened to me. But, I’ve learned that a Will is not reliable when it comes to pet care for your dog or cat. So, I can’t help but wonder, “Who will take care of my pets if I can’t? How can I help ensure the money I leave is spent on my pet?”
Your Family and Friends Mean Well
Pets living with a family of humans have more than one person providing pet care. You might take turns feeding and walking the dog or scooping the litter box. If one of you isn’t feeling well, another family member is there to take over. Both you and your pets are lucky to live in a home setting like this. Equally important are your closest friends or roommates. They tend to step up when needed. However, will these people want to provide short or long-term pet care?
Pet Care and Your Will
As people age, they prepare their end-of-life documents. This usually includes a Last Will and Testament. Quite often, pet care is planned in a person’s Will. The pet owner designates a person who will care for their dog or cat. Then, at their death, that designee receives a random lump sum of money for pet care. Unfortunately, history and statistics tell a sad story. Too, often, the designated caretaker doesn’t do what is expected of them.
The Designated Person Disappoints
Although your Will is a legal document, there is no legal follow-up or enforcement of the document’s contents. Friends and family may have meant well when they accepted the responsibility to provide pet care after your death. Regardless, life happens, sometimes making them do unfavorable things. Designated Caretakers often have to renege on their promise of caring for your pet. Sometimes, they spend the money on something expensive they want for themselves. Your pet then gets cheaper pet care products and their health is neglected. In this same fashion, the designee takes your money but has no intentions of adopting your pet As a result, your dog or cat will wind up in a shelter.
So, What’s the Pet Care Answer?
When it comes to taking care of your pets when you can’t, the answer is a Pet Trust. This is the best solution for providing pet care in your absence. A Pet Trust is also a legal document. In contrast to a Will, a Pet Trust is protected by the legal system. If well-designed and comprehensive, there are built-in contingency plans and oversight. And, there are many benefits to preparing a Pet Trust. (Visit https://marksfound.org/the-top-20-benefits-of-preparing-a-pet-trust-for-your-pets/)
Living the Lifestyle
Pet Trusts include your directions for pet care the way you want. The written plan explains how you take care of your pet each day. It is like an instruction manual if prepared properly. This enables your pets to continue living the lifestyle you have always provided. You can rest easily knowing your pet’s care will follow your guidelines. You also designate the people you want on your pet’s Care Team.
Who is on the Care Team?
First, you choose a Caretaker. This person will provide pet care as outlined in your Pet Trust. The Caretaker usually provides the forever home and bundles of love. They must be willing to follow your directions. Some pet owners designate a Foster also which we highly recommend. The Foster provides short-term pet care. This is helpful during an illness or injury. They can also pet sit if the Caretaker goes away. Finally, you appoint a Trustee. This person should be in addition to the Caretaker or Foster. The Trustee oversees the people and your pets. They also manage the finances of your Pet Trust. This helps ensure your money is only spent on your pet’s needs and pet care. More information is available at https://guardianpettrust.org/pet-owner-pet-care-plan
What about My Veterinarian?
Your pet’s veterinarian should be part of the Care Team. However, they are not automatically included. Tell your vet about your Pet Trust. They will be prepared in case something happens to you. Your pet’s veterinarian should respect all the decisions made for your pet’s care and help to keep them safe. They should also advise the Care Team when making important pet health decisions.
Aren’t Pet Trusts for Rich People?
Providing good pet care for our dogs and cats is everyone’s responsibility. We usually hear about rich people preparing a Pet Trust. However, you don’t have to be rich. Of course, you have to be able to finance pet care for the rest of your pet’s life. Likewise, there needs to be enough money in the Pet Trust in case of medical emergency or litigation. The funds needed can be financed with the sale of your home. Some people choose to sell items like jewelry or an art collection. Another popular method is life insurance. As a result, you only need to partially finance the Trust when it is prepared. The bulk can be funded after your death.
Pet Care, Pet Trusts, and Saving Lives
Planning for pet care in your absence is very important to protect your dog or cat’s future. Without a written legal plan, anything can happen. Your pet can wind up in a shelter. If your pet is older or not in good health, it will wind up euthanized. A Pet Trust will prevent that from happening. The Pet Trust also enables spaces to remain available in a shelter. Hopefully, a younger, healthier, and more adoptable pet will fill that spot. Your Pet Trust has saved your pet’s life and the pet who took his shelter spot. Imagine how many lives we can save when we spread the word, Pet Trusts Save Lives From Your Home to Your Neighborhood Shelter.
It all Depends on You
The impact that Pet Trusts will have on you, your pets, and your community depends on you. Your pets depend on you. To save your pets’ lives and keep them safe, make the smart choice and prepare a Pet Trust. If something happens to you, your pet will continue to live the lifestyle it has always known. Your pets will feel your love even in your absence. Future Caretakers will know exactly how to care for your pets. Your Pet Trust may have enabled a younger, healthier, and more active pet to have a space and get adopted. Pet Trusts can become a growing trend with your help. It all depends on you.